After a disappointing sixth series, Larry David gets back on track with a post-modern take on a reunion Seinfeld show
One of the most creative and personal comedies out there, Curb Your Enthusiasm proves that when it comes to making original comedy, America has been leading the way for a while. If you don't know already, Larry David plays himself in a strange parody of his real life and if you thought The Office could be awkward, Curb takes it to a whole new level.
Without ruining it, the series picks up where the last one left of but luckily by the second or third episode it gets going on a new path which brings Curb back to it's best. I don't know about other people, but I felt the last few seasons were a bit shit to be honest, but I thought this series was great. It deals with such touchy subjects as paedophilia, disabled people, racism and more with such great results that you can't but laugh. The end of one of the episodes when he sees a doctor about a rash is one of my favourite Curb moments, which is saying a lot. The acting is great, the stories are funny, the improv is inspirational and everything about it feels like comedy gold.
This series feels a lot more structured than previous ones as Larry, for purely selfish reasons, gets the cast of Seinfeld back to do a reunion show. This means that if you're a fan of Seinfeld as well as Curb, you're in for a real treat and even though I'm not an avid fan of the former, it still worked incredibly well. It's hard to review a comedy series without giving away the jokes so I've kept it short and sweet. If you're a big fan of Curb already, then you have to buy this but it would also please newcomers to the show as well. Larry David reigns supreme.
Pity his film with Woody Allen has been getting such bad reviews ...
Rating: 9/10